An Assembler for the 6809- the CPU inside the Mirage.
6809 Assembler
DOS Tools for Reading and Write Mirage floppies! very nice.
Mirage Tools
Circuit diagram for buffering a signal before feeding it
into the mirage's filter chips. by Gordon Pearce.
A simulator for the CPU inside the Mirage. Plus, I've added special messages when Mirage hardware (filters, Q-Chip) is accessed! Use the included mirage.hex file. It's the ROM code and the Mirage OSv3.2 together.
I've also added the capability to read
Motorola S1 files such as mos32.hex as produced by Tim Victor-
just remove the debugger instructions at the top of his files.
Source code to sim6809 included. A "merci beaucoup" to the french
guy who originally wrote it and made it open software.
Spec for the Cartridge Expansion on the Mirage! Oh yeah! I wonder if someone would like to build an IDE harddrive interface for this Mirage? The specs for the OS are available below, and it would be pretty fun to change around the hooks to use a Hard Drive. The IDE spec is here: IDE HD spec
Another project idea for the expansion port is an LCD screen. simple directions to attach and LCD to a 6502 interface are here: LCD
Mirage Cartridge port expansion specification
A cool guy who has done some marvelous work hacking the Mirage OS This page has mucho mirage hacking info. Basically, everything that I don't have here, including links to Rainer's page, which kicks ass, too.
Another cool guy who has created stereo outputs for his Mirage. Also includes spec link for the CEM3328 Resonant filter chips!
The disk format of the Ensoniq Mirage.
Anyone volunteer to Modify
Rainer Buchty's program (sq80toolkit)
in order to read Ensoniq Mirage disks from Linux!?
Mirage Disk Format #1
Mirage Disk Format #2
Sampling Config, Command, Config, Wavesample
Graphics Text
Keyboard/Program, General Keyboard, WaveSample, Envelope, Envelope Modulation
Parameters and commands for the Ensoniq Mirage
Graphics Text
You can change any values using the front panel that you want via MIDI!
How to press buttons on the front panel using MIDI
You can upload and download Programs, too
Upload/Download programs and Program Format
This page has links to practically everything else about in the Mirage on the Internet